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How It Works


How It Works

Explore Qatar's best & largest Bidding marketplace with us. We want to be a part of your smile, success, and future growth.


Free Registration

Enjoy the benefits of free registration with Beema Auction! Customers can easily register by providing their personal information, including their name, email, phone number, Qatar address, and QID. For company owners, an additional step includes adding the company name and uploading a CR copy. Upon submission of the data, customers are required to verify their phone number through an OTP. Once successfully verified, they gain access to the Beema Auction site and application, ready to explore the exciting opportunities awaiting them in our platform.


Security Deposit (Refundable)

Following the completion of the registration process, customers expressing interest in auction participation are mandated to furnish a Security Deposit. This deposit functions as a vital security measure, underscoring the customer's commitment to the process. It is essential to note that the Security Deposit is entirely refundable, providing peace of mind and transparency in our auction procedures.


Place a Bid and Win the Car

Upon depositing the security amount, the customer gains the privilege to actively participate in the auction, enabling them to submit their bids. Following bid submission, customers are required to patiently await the next bid increment or, alternatively, await the conclusion of the auction to ascertain the eventual winner. This process ensures a fair and transparent auction environment, allowing participants to engage in the bidding process with anticipation and suspense until the final outcome is revealed.


Make the payment

Once the customer emerges victorious in the auction, they will be notified via email, which will include the invoice amount. Subsequently, upon reviewing the invoice, the customer is required to remit the winning bid amount to Beema Auction for the procurement of the auctioned item. This streamlined process ensures clarity in transaction procedures and facilitates a smooth acquisition of the auctioned item by the successful bidder.


Pick up the Car

After the customer has paid the winning auction amount to the Beema Auction team, they are then eligible to collect the car from the designated location. This straightforward process ensures a seamless transition from successful bid to vehicle acquisition, providing customers with a convenient and efficient experience with Beema Auction.
